Middle Road Drainage Strategy


WMS has been engaged by Melton City Council (MCC) to develop a comprehensive drainage strategy and flood impact assessment for the proposed upgrade of Middle Road. The project involves assessing upstream catchment behavior, ensuring proper cross-drainage design, and verifying compliance with Melbourne Water’s drainage scheme requirements. The upgraded road design includes a 7m wide carriageway with 1.5m shoulders and table drains or batters on both sides to improve accessibility and flood resilience.

To achieve these goals, employed TUFLOW rain-on-grid hydraulic modeling with the HPC solver, leveraging high-resolution LiDAR data to represent existing topography accurately. The analysis will include simulating the 1% and 10% Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) storm events to size culverts, assess catchment characteristics, and ensure proper drainage capacity.
The final drainage strategy report will outline methodology, data sources, and compliance with Melbourne Water’s standards, including flood hazard criteria and stormwater quality. Optional services include a Stormwater Quality assessment using a MUSIC model to evaluate pollutant loads and the potential need for Water Sensitive Urban Design measures. The report and all modeling files will be delivered to MCC, ensuring a flood-resilient design ready for regulatory submission.