CFD | WMS Engineering
Hi-res diagram of fish passageway


WMS is working with local governments across NSW, using CFD to resolve chorline concentration issues in water treatment plants.

Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) modelling has been used worldwide for over 20 years to simlulate and solve complex free-surface flow problems. CFD assessments are based on a 3D model from day one, avoiding the need to convert a 3D structure (e.g. spillway, fish passage or treatment tank) to a 2D format. This avoids loss of design features, and allows for the streamlined provision of meaningful design input early in the design process. Unlike 2D modelling, CFD modelling is able to account for depth varying velocities, mixing reactions, particle flow paths, and kinetics. CFD has a range of applications, including:

  • Bridge design and culvert optimisation
  • Dam Spillway design
  • Pumped hydro design
  • Weir design
  • Fish passage design
  • Water treatment plant performance assessment
  • Wastewater treatment plant optimisation.

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