WMS has been working collaboratively with farmers and their consultants to achieve retrospective approvals across rural NSW since 2012. We have a strong working knowledge of the Floodplain Management Plans and floodplain works approvals process, and have gained the trust of WaterNSW and NSW DPE. Specialising in Floodplain Assessments and analysis, we can provide a range of services to ensure floodplain works such as levees and dams are designed and constructed in accordance with state planning guidelines, and similarly, conduct assessments to seek retrospective approvals for existing works.
- Hydrological and hydraulic modelling (1D, 2D)
- Flood impact Assessments
- Flood work approvals
- Hydraulic modelling
- Analysis of impacts of flood works on floodplains.
- Tailored solutions to mitigate flood risks and protect farmland and agricultural lands.
- Community and Stakeholder engagement
- Ongoing support and monitoring to address evolving flood risks and ensure long-term resilience.