Flood Impact Assessment of Crown Lands Assets


WMS Engineering was engaged by NSW Crown Lands (CL) to undertake the Flood Impact Assessment of Crown Lands Assets affected by extreme flood and storm events in 2022 – Australian Government Reference Numbers (AGRNs) 1012 &1025. The report follows on from analysis completed by NSW Public Works (NSWPW) and utilises data provided by NSWPW in the tender process. The key deliverables for each site include:
• Individual site report for each asset identifying any defects observed on site;
• Identification of the cause of the defect (i.e. AGRN 1012/1025 or otherwise);
• Condition Assessment, Defect/Damage Criticality Rating and Recommended Action Rating for all assets;
• For defects incurred by AGRN 1012 and/or AGRN 1025: Recommended remediation actions and high-level cost estimates for the recommended works.
A total of 358 assets were identified by NSWPW for assessment based on GIS analysis of AGRN 1012 and 1025 flood extent mapping, and the 1% AEP design flood extent mapping collated from the NSW SES Flood Data Portal. Of these 358 sites, 208 are directly managed by CL, and 150 are managed by others. The sites spanned range of different asset types, including riparian zones, sporting facilities, recreation facilities, showgrounds, racecourses, and educational facilities.
Quote from the Client – Daniela Heubusch, Manager – Emergency Management and Disaster Recovery, NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure, Crown Land.
WMS Engineering undertook Project Management and Investigation Work for Crown Lands on 350 plus sites to assess for flood damages. WMS Engineering provided a detailed project management plan specifically designed for the project and managed every part of the implementation. They clearly defined all aspects of the required scope and milestones of the project and worked closely with us as the client to ensure they met expectations and time frames. WMS delivered a very complex project with extremely tight timeframes to an excellent standard. The outcome of the project was a well written project report including methodology, descriptions of sites and inspection outcomes, mapping and GIS data. I would definitely recommend WMS for any project management work and am confident that they can deliver a high-quality product for any future client.