Port Adelaide Pump Station Tender | WMS Engineering
Nile St, Port Adelaide SA, Australia

Port Adelaide Pump Station Tender

Feasibility study for two new pump stations and associated trunk drainage in the Port Centre Catchment
Catherine Walker
Questions? Get in touch today.
Catherine Walker


City of Port Adelaide Enfield


Preparation of tender documentation for local government projects


Assessment of drainage upgrades, flood mitigation, and sea level rise protection, ensuring effective stormwater management for sustainable community resilience and infrastructure reliability
Catherine Walker
Questions? Get in touch today.
Catherine Walker


City of Port Adelaide Enfield


Preparation of tender documentation for local government projects


Assessment of drainage upgrades, flood mitigation, and sea level rise protection, ensuring effective stormwater management for sustainable community resilience and infrastructure reliability
Port Adelaide Map Area

The City of Port Adelaide Enfield engaged WMS Engineering to assist in the preparation of tender documentation for two pump stations. CPAE provided WMS Engineering with a verbal brief and provided background documentation as needed. WMS reviewed the background documents, researched the required scope of works and prepared documentation suitable for CPAE’s procurement team to implement with minimal further input. The documentation allowed Council to successfully commission and manage an expert consultant for the required scope of works.

WMS Engineering’s ability to understand the client’s requirements with minimal instruction made it simple and straight-forward for CPAE staff to progress the pump station projects. WMS is available to provide low cost ad-hoc support to cover resourcing short-falls within local government organisations, reach out to Catherine Walker or Blake Boulton to find out more.

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