Washpool Road Preliminary Design of Stormwater Infrastructure
WMS was engaged by Rockhampton Regional Council to identify and prioritise Council’s plan for future trunk infrastructure (PFTIs) for the Washpool Road area. Council’s existing TUFLOW hydraulic model was refined, updated with the latest stormwater network and LiDAR data, and trimmed to use as a basis for the assessment.
Two planning horizons, 2026 and 2036, were investigated to provide Council with potential staging options for the construction of the stormwater infrastructure.
In addition to the hydraulic modelling, MUSIC models were developed for both planning horizons to achieve the State Planning Policy water quality objectives. A high-level costing assessment was also undertaken for both hydraulic and water quality mitigation devices and every effort made to ensure that the proposed mitigation devices were located outside of Category C vegetation areas to minimise issues when seeking environmental approvals.
Rockhampton Regional Council inherited a schedule of proposed stormwater PFTIs and estimated costs to replace the current stormwater PFTIs in Council’s planning scheme for the 2026 and 2036 planning horizons. The schedule also included concept designs, ready to adopt in the next phase of detailed design and construction.
The proposed mitigation devices support the projected growth forecast for the Washpool Road area, ensure optimal land development and successfully achieve the State Planning Policy water quality targets.