Sunshine LGA Road Immunity Analysis


Sunshine Coast Council has comprehensive flood study results covering the majority of its Local Government Area (LGA). This project used these existing flood study results to automatically determine the immunity of every public road in the LGA.
The process made use of Council’s road centreline GIS dataset, in conjunction with up-to-date ALS elevation and land use classification data. The data was analysed using a combination of GIS tools and python scripting. Flood levels were interpolated to find the indicative ‘overtopping’ Annual Exceedance Probability along each road segment.
The process was largely automated and the developed methodology is flexible enough such that the tool can be easily rerun in the future as input data is updated.
Mapping and GIS files were produced showing road flood immunity for every public road in the LGA. This data can be used by various departments within Council in conjunction with other datasets to inform transport planning and disaster management and operations.